Welcome to Wake Internal Medicine Consultants, Inc.

4 Instant Benefits of Exercise

Many people look at exercise as a venture that produces delayed gratification, and in many ways this is very true. Weight loss, strength and overall health are delayed benefits of exercise. However, there are many immediate benefits of exercise as well. Which is good news for us, because it can be difficult to get out the door when the benefits seem so far away.

Instant Gratification from Exercise

  1. Feeling Happy/Accomplished- In the dead of winter it can be very easy to feel non-productive and sluggish. Taking part in exercise releases endorphins and improves your mood. The more effort you put forth in a workout, the more endorphins are released! The sense of accomplishment and endorphin high can help fight depression and leave you feeling happy more often.
  2. Loosens Muscles- When you exercise, your muscles go from a static state to a very active state. Your muscles start to function the way they were made to. This allows the muscles to warm up and releases tightness/soreness from muscles that have been static for an extended period of time. This allows your muscles to be stretched easier at the end of a workout, and can help lengthen them and return more optimal function to the muscle.
  3. Lowers Blood Pressure- Cardiovascular exercise can lower blood pressure after each exercise session. As people get older, blood vessels stiffen and restrict blood flow causing blood pressure to rise. Exercise releases hormones that can help to make these blood vessels flexible and decrease the rise in blood pressure.
  4. Boosts Metabolism- Everyone knows boosting your metabolism is good, but Why? When you exercise, your heart rate increases and tells your brain to start producing neurochemicals. These neurochemicals then increase your metabolism. Your metabolism allows you to burn calories even while you’re not working out. The benefits from increased metabolism can last a couple of hours after exercise or even a couple of days, but it does wear off. Getting in a regular exercise routine can help you to keep your metabolic rate at increased levels.

These benefits can give us all some major motivation when it comes to exercise. Delayed gratification is usually very rewarding. However, the little victories we experience with these instant benefits from exercise can keep us striving and wanting more.

Wake Internal Medicine Consultants is an internal medicine practice with many specialties and affiliated practices. Our goal is to help influence healthy lifestyles while providing medical care that people need. For cardiology or orthopedic services and guidance to help you get back to exercising on a regular basis, contact us at our Raleigh, NC office.

Wake Internal
Wake Gastroenterol
Wake Women's Health
Wake Sport Medecine

Main Location

3237 Blue Ridge Rd.

Raleigh, NC 27612

Phone: (919) 781-7500

Fax: (919) 645-3054

Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm

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North Raleigh

10880 Durant Rd, Suite 100

Raleigh, NC 2.7614

Phone: (919) 781-7500

Fax: (919) 420-6065

Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm

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