Referring Physicians
Thank you for considering referring your patients to Wake Internal Medicine Consultants. Rest assured that we are committed to offering your patients the same high-quality care they would receive at your practice. Please consider us an extension of your care as we partner to provide your patients with the treatments they need and the compassion they deserve.
Available on Infina and Proficient Health referral sites.
To refer a patient, please contact our office at one of the numbers below or by choosing the link for the corresponding referral form:
Internal Medicine, Pediatrics or Nutrition Counseling: (919) 781-7500 x option 1, Fax: (919) 645-3054
Wake Gastroenterology: (919) 781-7515, Fax: (919) 714-6010
Wake Women’s Health: (919) 719-2600, Fax: (919) 714-6005